My cousin Shelley said it very nicely on her blog about once you become a mom, you realize why the day is so important. She said, "It definitely has a whole new meaning now that I am a Mom. Certainly puts a new perspective on the holiday and the importance of celebrating all mothers and showering them with appreciation." I have to agree! Plus, you now have such a new appreciation for your mom and all that she did!!
What a wonderful day I had. Of course, we had to get up early for church and as I woke my sweet Lizzie up the first thing she said as she opened her eyes were "Happy Mother's Day, Mom!" I couldn't believe she remembered first thing in the morning. Come to find out, of course she would remember because my wonderful husband was busy "crafting" with the kids last night while I was at work and they had made me beautiful jewlery boxes. They were looking forward to my big day since the middle of last week when they got the boxes to make. So cute!!Joe got me this adorable frame and even printed out pictures for it that are fun to look at and make me smile!!After church, we grabbed some lunch and got to relax and watch The Patriot with Mel Gibson on HBO. What a treat!! Then I had my soccer game at 4:30 which was tons of fun and we won 3-0 (I had a shut-out as the goal keeper). I made a great save (not that I had a ton of shots on goal this week). I reached up and batted the ball out of the goal and then landed on it and had two players land on me. Thankfully, I didn't get hurt, but it was fun!! We came home and had the Carter family over for dessert to give Mrs. C. her gift for Mother's Day. It was really nice and the kids played well, which is always an added bonus.
Quote of the day: "Mom, when is it Sister's and Brother's Day?"--Lizzie asked sometime yesterday, to which I replied, as all mothers would, "Every day is Sister's and Brother's Day!!"
"Mom, I made a surprise for you," said Jackson today at church, "I made you a butterfly." --Jackson said today while I chatted with his teacher at the door mid-way through service.
"Dad, we've gotta talk."--Lizzie said to Joe to remind him that we had to give "Mee-mom" her gift tonight.
3 weeks ago
Love the boxes and the frame. And that is just too sweet that Lizzie remembered to wish you Happy Mother's Day first thing in the morning. Precious!
What a smiley way to start my day. Happy belated Mother's Day, Kelly, but I believe you heard from those nearest and dearest to your mom-heart right on time!
Love to all. Aunt Margie
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