
Photo Shoot

I am still working with my new camera to get good, focused pictures. Here is the kids' first photo shoot with me in their Christmas outfits (thank you Mom-Mom and Aunt Dori)!!

yes, that is slobber
Quotes: After sending Lizzie to timeout one day, she was crying and I came in to talk to her after her time was up and she said, "I feel like you are pushing me out of the family!" (drama queen!!)

Hannah has been talking up a storm, full sentences and everything. "Thank you Mama, Thank you Dada" for everything. If she accomplishes something, she says "yes, high five!" And my favorite, "Jackson did it!" (right)

Jackson was crying the other day as we pulled away from dropping Lizzie off at Kindergarten and I asked him what was wrong. He said, "Lizzie forgot to give me a kiss."


*shell* said...

So soooo cute. Love all the pictures and the kids' quotes. We sure miss seeing you all.

tutu said...

Aloha from Auntie Carol...love catching up when I have a few minutes with all the doings at the Carter Clan's home. You are an excellent photographer Kell maybe there is a part time job in your future!! Just what you need!!! The kids are so adorable and Joe is very handsome but no pics of the pic taker..miss ya all
