
springtime in the country

Here we are at "Tax Day" also affectionately known as my Dad's Birthday!! We have been busy going to the "Alligator Park," it contains a dragon slide which is how Lizzie named the park when we first moved here, but I don't have the heart to tell them. We also have been enjoying the swing set and the driveway out front. It smells lovely out here most days with the farmers fertilizing the fields. Thankfully, the field behind us has not been fertilized and we actually found out it is planted with winter wheat because it was planted in the fall and grows until June or so. It has all of a sudden started growing taller. It should get to be about waste high.

The other day we went out when it was over 70 and played with chalk (some ate it), rode bikes, and roller skated. It was so good to get outside and run off some energy. Here are some pics of the day...
how can you not love this kid
some weren't happy to be photographed, at least one was
here is the eating of chalk I had mentioned
hard at work
notice most of it ended up on her shirt
she had fun just sitting on this bike

I was able to sneak a few shots
notice the still wet shirt
"man, my big brother is so cool"

Quote of the day: "I don't know what I was thinking, I forgot my helmet."--Lizzie said as she was getting ready to ride her bike. I don't think we ever thought about helmets when we were kids.

1 comment:

Marge said...

How adorable. Isn't it great to be outdoors with the wee ones. It is such a welcome change after winter in smaller quarters. No coats and mittens to put on. Everyone gets tired and naps better...If only mom had time to nap:) Thanks again for all your efforts with the blog site, Kelly.
Love and hugs to all! Aunt Margie
