
lizzie's first poem

For the first week or two of school, Lizzie had "color days" and "color creatures" for every color. She had to wear certain colors and they had a cute poem they learned. At the end of the unit, they had to fill in there own things for the poem they had learned. This was the original poem:

Orange is a Carrot

Orange is a carrot.
Yellow is a pear.
Purple is a plum.
And brown is a bear.

Green is the grass.
And blue is the sky.
Black is the witch's hat.
And red is cherry pie!

Here is her own poem, you may have to enlarge this to read it.
Here is the translation:
Orange is a pumpkin.
Yellow is a sun.
Purple is a grapes. (notice the placement of the "R")
And Brown is a dog.

Green is the shirt.
And blue is the wave.
Black is the cat.
And red is apple.

As a former kindergarten teacher, notice the name nicely written on the line with upper and lower case letters, the words are sounded out and actually can be guessed. I was so proud to see this!!


*shell* said...

So sweet...it must be so fun to see your little one learning so many new things now that she's in school. That is precious.

Marge said...

Go girl. Auntie Veronica would be so proud of you. Poetry in kindergarten. Jackson is working hard to adjust to the new routine. Hannah will step right up, I am sure. You are a busy lady. Stay well! The kids humor will help lots.
AUnt Margie

liz said...

ok i just cried. little lizzie.
