We are in full swing of school now. Thankfully, our daily routine has become smoother and I am now able to stay much more organized and feel back to my old self. I also attribute that to my new co-worker who is quickly picking up the job of Division Leader and lessening my stress greatly. Lizzie is loving school and is sleeping wonderfully these days. Jackson misses her when she goes (even though he sleeps through most of it) and Hannah just likes being in the car and playing her new game of taking her shoes off whenever she can.
So to get to the title of this post, I am really having a tough time with my patience as my two oldest seem to not completely understand what it means to be potty trained. This weekend we had too many "accidents" and I am wondering if Joe and I need to do something else or what?? I actually got called by the school nurse today to bring new clothes for Lizzie after she had been there for only 15 minutes; she did have a reason, apparently, Jacob or someone was in the bathroom "a really long time" and she couldn't hold it so I was not quite as mad, but what the heck. She wasn't even embarrassed or upset. It is usually a problem of not wanting to stop what they are doing to take the time to go, but twice this weekend (on the same day) Jackson just stood in the living room and peed--hello!! Any help on this would be great! Obviously, our number one lesson with Lizzie is to include going to the bathroom right before school. They both still wear pull-ups at night and Jackson at nap and that is ok from what I hear especially because Lizzie is such a deep sleeper. Well, I am just putting this out there.
Here are some pictures from a visit to our local zoo the other week.
I had just got done dropping Lizzie off and Jackson did his daily sadness of "I miss Lizzie" as soon as she got out of the car--don't worry I cried over this the first few days. We got home and he asked, "When are we going to get Lizzie?" I explained, "After nap." He woke up from nap and repeated this again a few times and then asked, "Can I wake up Hannah?" I am sure you know my answer, but it is so cute that he so wanted a playmate and misses his sisters when they are not around.
Hannah is just having fun repeating what everyone is saying. I love this age when they are such sponges!! She now says excuse me after she burps or "toots" and she loves to ask for things now like a book "Moon" for "Good Night Moon" or juice or shoe. She's fun.
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