
drums please.

Today was the first day back on schedule and of course it was the busiest of all in the week, Thursday. We had my meeting at church, which ran late, so we had to inhale lunch and get Lizzie off to school, which I was late for. Jackson was tired so he had a meltdown because he didn't get to open the door at school with the key card. Nice!! He came home and fell asleep immediately.

Hannah's hand is looking better, her diaper rash is less red and raw, and everyone is sound asleep and in bed after only 2 minutes on their pillows-God is Good!!

Friends of ours, the Goss's, made some new boundaries for the new year one of which is everyone only gets 1 hour of media time during the weekdays. I thought that was great. I feel like the TV is on 24/7 some days in my house. Sometimes out of necessity. Anyway, today, we didn't have the TV on once. Tonight, when I usually would turn it on before bed, I actually had the kids pull out the drums and instruments and we played drums to Mighty to Save. It was pretty fun.
Mighty To Save.mp3

Quote of the Day: "Lizzie, do you love me?" "Yes, Jackson, I love you. Do you love me?" "Yes Lizzie, I love you." -while Lizzie and Jackson were sharing their dessert after dinner.

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